Wednesday, November 5, 2008

History was made today

It's been such a long time since I've gotten on here to blog. I figured today was as good a day as any to get back on here and document what's been going on in my neck of the woods lately.

My mama and daddy are really amazing me these days. When my brother was visiting me in London back in August, mama and daddy kept Taylor and Ava and they really enjoyed themselves so much. I'm so glad they had the opportunity to spend some quality time as grandma and granddaddy. I think Taylor and Ava really enjoyed it too! Next on their agenda was a trip to Las Vegas and San Francisco area. My Aunt Pearl (granny's sister) just celebrated her 90th birthday, and had a party at her home in California. Mama and Daddy decided to make a vacation out of it and spent some time in Las Vegas. It was their first time there and they really had a ball. I would have given anything to see those two at the slot machines. They saw Donnie and Marie, a Magic Show, a typical Vegas show that my mom won tickets to see! Then they were off to California. They went on a Vinyard tour, which is something that I still want to do someday! I just think it's so awesome that they are seeing the world. In the time that I have lived in Europe, my mom and dad have visited several cities in the UK, Paris, Italy, New York City, Las Vegas, San Francisco... Who know's where the next destination will be? I'm so proud of my mama and daddy!

My brother, (aka one of the men in black) had to work on Halloween!!! Yeah, had to work on the Bud Light party cruise to the bahamas, hard life!!! He and his friend dressed up as the men in black and the photos were great. I'll try to post some later if I can get my hands on any. So yeah, he's doing great, his job is fantastic, my nieces are growing and getting cooler everyday. I can't wait to see them all for Christmas!

As for what's been going on with me, I spent the month of September finishing my dissertation, finally. It was such a relief to turn it in. I finally saw Madonna live in concert back in September at Wembley in London. It was great, but still wish I could have seen her back in the 80s. She's gettin too big for her britches, but she was still great. We just spent halloween (well the night after) with the Texas Exes in London. I was so happy to have the opportunity to dress up. Jamey even dressed up.

I've still been doing my bikram yoga and whole foods dinner dates with my friend Rachel, who is a native Tennessean living in Reading with her hubby, Virgil, who's a native Louisiannan. So glad we have met and become friends, it's nice to have a bit of the familar South around in London! The Christmas season is well on its way here in London. Jamey and I went to the Harrod's Christmas parade on November 1st! It was no Raleigh Christmas parade, but still pretty cool. So, overall, life is good. We're still enjoying living abroad, my job is good, Jamey and I are both healthy, so I feel really blessed!

So, onto the "history part", Today Barack Obama was elected as president-elect for the US. He will be the first African American president in history! I was really happy to see so many Americans get excited about this election. It did not go the way I voted, but I am still very proud to be an American and I support our new leader. I hope he can deliver the promises that he's made, and I hope that all of America will embrace him and support him. God Bless America!

One gripe though, and I've always griped about this.... straight party tickets! I respect that a lot of people had an opinion about the presidential candidates, and voted... but a lot of those also voted straight party for the rest of the offices up for grab, and some really good candidates lost the election due to the high numbers of straight party votes. I don't think you should vote for a party, but rather take time to hear what both candidates have to say and vote based on their political views, policies, and platforms... not just because they belong to a particular party. So next election, please consider all candidates, if you don't know enough about the candidates, do a bit of homework and find out what their views are before voting for them. And for goodness sake, don't vote straight ticket unless you are certain that you want all of those candidates to win against their opponent! Okay, end of gripe.

Well this was a long one, but I was trying to make up for a few months. I'll try not to leave it as long next time. I'll end this one with a quote that I think says a lot, and I hope America will take some advice from one of our great former leaders (who was born on a very important day, if you know what I mean)...

"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independance. You cannot help people permanently doing for them what they could and should do for themselves." -Abraham Lincoln.