Friday, August 15, 2008

My brother's visit to Europe

So today my brother is on his way back to the US. He has spent the last 12 days with me and Jamey here in Europe. We spent the first few days seeing the sites of London. The day he arrived, we went to a horserace in Windsor, had some traditional fish and chips, and didn't win one single race! Still, we had a fabulous time. On Tuesday, Lloyd got out and saw some of the sites in London, Leicester Square, Piccadilly Circus, etc. That night, we had a lovely italian meal at a place called Stef's near Oxford Circus. Great fun! On Wednesday, Lloyd saw Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and Parliment, all the sites! That night, we spent the evening in Chiswick (a bourough of London near to where we live) and had dinner at a great spanish tapas restuarant. We ended the evening by having a couple of pints in the local pub by our house. On Thursday, Lloyd met me for lunch and then he spent the afternoon in the British Museum of Art. This is actually something I've not done yet, but would love to go sometime.

For the weekend we traveled to Tenerife, Spain. This is actually in the Canary Islands, which is quite near to the coast of Africa. Ah, Tenerife, the weather was amazing, the food was excellent, the people were friendly, the beaches were gorgeous, we really had a fabulous time! We hiked around a volcano (no, it wasn't errupting), we sat by the pool, soaked up some sun on the beach. One of the best things was this kareoke bar called the "Memphis Bar". Yep, the theme of the whole restuarant was ELVIS!!! It was brilliant! Lloyd played tribute to Elvis by singing "Polk Salad Annie", I've not laughed that hard in a long time. He and I did a duet of the Grease classic "You're the one that I want". I sang Shania Twain and Britney Spears, Lloyd did a Garth Brooks solo. Oh, and we can't forget my Alabama number "Mountain Music". No one had ever heard the song sang there in that bar, but the whole audience were singing along with me by the end of the song. And they loved it when I started clogging (in my flip flops)! It was such a great night, such a great trip!

After we returned from Spain, my brother saw the Tower of London, Madame Tusauds Wax Museum (he even got a photo with Amy Winehouse)! Then last night, we ended his trip on a great note. We met in Leicester Square at one of my favorite spots, Ruby Blue, and had drinks and dinner. Then we saw the West End show, "Chicago". WOW, it was so so good! I would definitely see it again, brilliant ("and all that jazz")! Now, Lloyd is on his way back to NC for the weekend to see Mama and Daddy and to pick up the girls, then they are all heading back to Texas, back to reality. Taylor and Ava have been with my mom and dad, getting spoiled beyond repair! Luckily they have a week back at home to get back on schedule before school starts.

I guess summer is coming to an end soon, but Jamey and I have a few more things to look forward to before bringing in the Fall. Anyway, farewell to Lloyd. We had such a great time, and can't wait to do it again! Miss you already and love you always!

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