Wednesday, July 30, 2008

my friend has a tumor on her brain

Yep, one minute she's fine, at the beach with her daughter, best friend and her kids, having a ball. Two weeks later, she can't see and instead of being told she needs glasses because she's now 40, she's diagnosed with a tumor on her brain. Yes, 40 years old, we just celebrated her 40th last October on a cruise. Now, she's in the hospital, having all sorts of tests. I know in my heart that Karen will be okay. She is strong and she will be healthy again. She's in great hands of a phenominal doctor at Duke, and she has so many people praying for her everyday. The good Lord is not ready to take her yet, so she will be fine and will see her little girl grow up to do wonderful things.

Things like this really make me think. Life is so precious, and we can't waste a minute of it. I had a scare of my own last year that I pulled through, thank God. But we aren't promised tomorrow, so that's why we have to live for today and enjoy every moment of it. I really look forward to all the exciting things in my future, but I am also thankful for the small things that I've been blessed with today. I woke up this morning, did some chores before leaving the house and still made it to work on time. I was productive at work. I was blessed to have the means and the good sense to nourish my body with healthy food. I spent 90 minutes practicing my Bikram Yoga, where I took care of my body and my mind and soul. I chatted to my mom for really cheap thanks to the technology of skype and my iPhone. And after all that, I came home and prepared a meal that my husband and I enjoyed together on our "island" (kitchen island that it). All these things singled out may seem small, but to really think about them and look at all the wonderful things I experienced in a plain old Tuesday, well there's something to be said for that and it's Thank you Lord! I am so blessed! Jamey told me a really good quote today, and I can't remember the exact wording but it basically said the richest person is the one who finds happiness and contentment with what he already has. I feel really rich today.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Bikram Yoga

Today I went to my 4th Bikram Yoga class. I love it. You are in a room that's set to about 100 degrees and you do yoga. It's really hot and really sweaty, but it's great. I know it sounds nuts, but it's amazing. I already feel so much better, and I have more energy. I've had a hard time finding my routine, for a long time now. I've had so many things going on for the past year, with traveling to the US, planning the wedding, having the wedding, moving from Reading to London, the honeymoon, yeah, I've been a busy girl, and I've let things that are important to me get put on the back burner. I feel really motivated now to pick up some of the things I've let lie for awhile. My Bikram is a really great start to doing that! I love it and I'm going to keep it up, for as long as I can afford it! :)

first blog

The posts prior to this one are the ones that I had posted on myspace. I decided to put them on here to keep them all together. The below is my first "blogger" blog post, so hopefully not too confusing!

So I'm posting my first blog entry. I've posted some photos, and they are mostly all of my recent wedding and honeymoon. On December 1st, 2007, I was married to a wonderful man, my best friend, the love of my life, Jamey. We had an amazing wedding, with entertainment by none other than Chairmen of the Board. We met at their concert, so we had to have them play at our reception! It was fantastic! We waited a few months to go on our honeymoon. We went to Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora. Amazing!!! We are living and working in London at the moment, but will surely return to NC one day. I'm currently filling my time with reading (I just finished "The Last Lecture" and it was great), working, and my newest favorite thing is Bikram Yoga. For those who don't know, it's "hot" yoga, as in the room is cranked up to nearly 100 degrees! I have never sweat so much in my life. I also enjoy jogging and other forms of exercising. I'm trying to get back into jogging, but... yeah I know, just do it. My brother is coming to visit us soon and I can't wait! I'll try to post blogs at least weekly, just to keep a written record of what's going on with me, here in London, as a newlywed, etc. To be continued...