Monday, March 6, 2006


Today's subject is bicycling because I felt like I needed to blog about that bit of Danish culture. Tonight, Jamey and I rode our bikes to the gym. It was funny because as we were returning home and putting our bikes away in the shed, Jamey asked me "If someone had asked you, when you were 23 years old, what you would be doing five years from then, would you have ever thought that it would be riding your bike home from the gym, in the snow, in Denmark?". So I stopped to think about it, and , no, I would have never guessed that. It is really amazing how things turn out. The bicycle thing is really awesome here. Neither Jamey, nor I have a car. We rely on the train/bus, our bikes, or good ol' pat and charlie to get us everywhere we need to go. It's really neat, because sometimes we will have a "date" where we ride our bikes about 5 minutes into town to have a hotdog and see a movie. It's sort of one of "our little things we do". So there's no more opening the car door for me. It's now more like him locking my bicycle wheel for me. Just as sweet, yet, different. Life in Denmark, gotta love it!

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