Sunday, March 5, 2006

Our trip to Sweden

Yesterday, Jamey and I got up early and took the train to Helsingor, Denmark to visit Hamlet's Castle. We were both pretty impressed. The decorations were immaculate and all the things found inside were very interesting. There was one section called the casemates, which was like a dungeon. The only light down there was oil lamps. It was pretty spooky. I believe that the casemates served as the storage area back when the castle was being used for living. After we saw the castle, we took the ferry over to Helsingborg, SWEDEN. Yep, that means I can add another country to my list of those I've visited. This makes 15 for me! We walked to the castle in Sweden, but did not go in as it was already closed for the day. We did take some pictures there. After walking around town for a bit, we stopped into a local coffee shop and had a mid afternoon treat. We walked around some more, then stopped into a pub to have a couple of pints. We then went on to find a place to have dinner. We ate on a boat restaurant. It was really neat and the food was great. For an appetizer, we had a trio sample platter of fish and snapps. This is a very popular dish for the Scandinavians. The snapps are what several of my friends/family would call the "Danish Moonshine". It is pretty potent, but it's actually quite good with the fish. For our main course, we had more seafood. It was all really good. The atmosphere was nice, and the company of Jamey was great as always! We left, and took the ferry/train back home. It's pretty cool to wake up in one country, travel to another, and then return to sleep in my own bed, all in the same day. The perks of living in Europe I guess! We had a great time, and Sweden was awesome.

Today we have had a relaxing day at home. It has snowed even more. It's very cold outside, but the sun did shine for the most part of the day. I watched American Idol this morning on TV. We are about 2 weeks behind the US. My favorite is Taylor (the grey headed guy). He makes me laugh, so he's my favorite. I'm off for now. Write more later ~Jac

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