Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Here Comes The Bride!

I can't believe I haven't blogged about this yet, but we all know what it's like to be busy. Especially when you are completing a second Masters degree, searching for a job, and, oh I don't know, PLANNING A WEDDING!!! That's right, I'm engaged! Enjoy the story.It's funny how much of a blur it can all seem, due to the excitement and the feelings that just can't be put into words. My description here does no justice to the actual day, but hopefully my memory serves well in telling the story. On the 30th of September, 2006, Jamey asked me to marry him. We were in Barcelona Spain for a holiday/vacation. The weather was beautiful the whole time we were there. We spent the later part of the week sightseeing and enjoying the Spanish food and culture. On Saturday, we rented a private sailboat for the day. It was just the two of us and our skipper. The sailboat was fabulous! It slept up to 12 people, so it was pretty big. It was equipped with a kitchen, 3 bedrooms, a living room, and 2 toilets (or in America, bathrooms). It was a gorgeous day for Sailing! We sailed from Barcelona to another town called Baddelona, where we had an amazing Spanish lunch (Lobster Paella). On our way back, I was sitting at the front of the boat, soaking up the sun and enjoying the relaxing moments of the day at sea, when Jamey came to join me. We were sitting together for awhile, taking in the beautiful surroundings, when he asked me if I was enjoying myself. When I told him that I was enjoying myself so much that I wished I could bottle up the day and take it home with me, he went to reach in his pocket. I encouraged him to take a picture of the two of us, as I was certain he was reaching in his pocket for the camera. As I looked down, I realized it was not a camera he pulled from his pocket, but a small blue box wrapped with white ribbon. Tears immediately filled my eyes, and I was speechless. Jamey opened the box and inside was the most beautiful ring I have ever seen in my life! He presented the ring to me, told me that he has known for a long time that this day would come, and then proceeded to ask me to be his wife and spend the rest of our lives together. I graciously accepted! We arrived back to Barcelona and later went out to dinner to celebrate the exciting day. My mom and dad were the first to know, as Jamey asked for their blessings just before our trip. They did a very good job keeping it from me, because I was completely surprised. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect, or magical proposal! I'm marrying "MR. RIGHT" in more ways than one! I am truely blessed.

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Back to my "roots"???

So, I'm thinking about ditching the blonde for a while and going darker. Something warmer for the winter, perhaps. I'm naturally dark red, but I think I want to go more chocolate brown. Any comments or suggestions?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

4th of July trip

For the 4th of July, I made a trip home to NC. The first week was spent visiting family and friends in the hometowns. I enjoyed seeing those that I saw, but it's funny how everytime I go back, I see fewer people than the time before. The week flies by, and it's almost impossible to fit everything (and everybody) in. I'm glad, though, that the time I do get to spend with my family and friends from back home is so valuable, not just shooting the s&@t. I always miss home when I go back there, but once I return to the place I now call home (Reading), everything goes back to normal. I would like to have some visitors from the US though, hint hint!!!

So the second week of the trip to the US was spent at Wrightsville Beach, one of my favorite places! We have a bit of tradition going on, to go there every year for the 4th of July. It's great because so many friends know that there's a place we can all meet the same time every year. We had a blast this year, as my pictures demonstrate. Can't wait for our next trip!

Finally, the last few days of the trip were spent in Manhattan. I absolutly love NYC! I've been several times before, in the winter months, but this was my first summer visit. It gets pretty hot in the Big Apple. We had a great time there. We sat front row for the "late show with David Letterman" and "Live with Regis and Kelly". We met Regis and Kelly and that was just a dream come true! I've always been a Kelly fan, and my mom loves Regis. They acted the same in person as they do on TV, very down to earth. We saw lots of celebrities on this trip. I also did some sightseeing on my own while Jamey worked. I visited all the designer stores and drooled over it all. Oh yeah, sightseeing. Jamey and I visited the Empire State Building and the area where they are rebuilding the World Trade Center. We went to Central Park and visited Strawberry Fields, the memorial for John Lennon. We also ate dinner one night at Tavern on the Green, which is a swanky restuarant in Central Park. I can't wait to go back to New York, which won't be long from now, long story. Okay, end of Blog for now, I have other matters to attend to. Cheers!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Thanksgiving, 2005

While I'm writing about cool restaurants, I figured I would go ahead and blog about the coolest one I've ever been to. For Thanksgiving this past year, my best friend, Steph, came to visit me in Copenhagen. Her birthday was near Thanksgiving, so as a gift to her, I surprised her with a trip to Berlin, Germany (which is a 35 minute plane ride from Copenhagen)! We were there for Thanksgiving and we had our traditional dinner at a not so traditional place. The restaurant was called Nocti Vagus. The theme is that all the wait staff are blind or severely visually impaired. The dining room where we ate our dinner was pitch black. We litterally could not see our hand in front of our face, let alone the food on the table in front of us. When we arrived, we were greeted in the lounge (which was lit with candles). There we spoke with the hostess who explained to us what we were about to experience once we were taken into the dining room. We looked at a menu in the lounge so that we could decide what we wanted to order. Steph got the vegetarian menu, and I got the surprise menu. That meant, I had no idea what I was going to be served, and I couldn't see it once it was served to me. So we had a drink in the lounge before we were taken to meet our waiter at the door leading into the dining room. His name was Wolfgang (pronounced Volfgang, German). He met us in the pitch black room and led the two of us to our table. We couldn't see a thing, we just depended on Wolfgang to seat us safely. He did. He then helped us to find our silverware, and our glasses for our beverages. We were instructed to not get up on our own if we had to go to the bathroom. After a few drinks, of course I had to go. We called "Volfgang" and he came to us straight away. He led the two of us to the door and waited for us to return. The bathroom was lit, so we didn't have to do that in the dark. When we returned, Steph and I were, accidentally, in different positions than we were when we left. He seated us in each others seats because that was his way of remembering. We apologized and corrected him, and he switched us back to our own seats. For our Thanksgiving toast, we had to first feel for each others hands to make sure we didn't crash the glasses into each other and shatter them. We had to carefully pour the wine and stick our fingers in the glass to see how full they were. It was amazing. Then, the food. Remember, I had no idea what I was being served. I had to smell, feel, and taste to figure it out. The whole time, I was guessing what I was eating, but never was I sure. It was all delicious. Steph enjoyed her meal as well. While we were eating, there was entertainment. It was all in German, but it was still enjoyable to hear the sound of the mans voice and the laughter around us. Apparently, he was doing a naughty interpretive reading! We could tell by the way people were laughing around us. Mind you, we couldn't see anyone or anything, we could only hear. There were also such wonderful, calming, relaxing smells around us. All of our senses were stimulated to make up for the lack of vision. So, what an amazing way to spend a Thanksgiving Dinner! We truely witnessed first hand that we have a lot to be thankful for. Our vision is so valuable and something we all too often take for granted. It was awesome to spend an evening experiencing what it's like to walk in another's shoes. Oh and the menu I had, I'm sure you are wondering. Well, it wasn't your traditional Thanksgiving turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce, with sweet potato pie for dessert. It was more like a lobster bisque for a starter, beef, crocodile, and rabbit with root vegetables that I've never tasted before for a main course, and a whole peach, fuzz and all, in a sorbet for dessert. The textures and aromas were excellent. It all tasted really good too, even the crocodile! So I was so anxious to share with Jamey my "unusual" Thanksgiving meal of crocodile and rabbit. He countered my meal and topped me with his Thanksgiving meal of Kangaroo in Latvia (which he also enjoyed). It is so much fun when people ask us what we ate for Thanksgiving in Europe and we get to tell them: Rabbit, Crocodile and Kangaroo. The expressions are priceless! ~Jac

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Valentine's Day, 2006

It was my first Valentine's day in Europe. Now, I've had great Valentine's Days in the past, but this one takes the cake. Jamey sent me an email invite for an evening out on Valentine's Day. We both got all dressed up and away we went, I had no idea where we were going. We ended up at this amzing restaurant in Copenhagen that is an old Monastery. We walk in and are greeted by the host, who takes our coats for us and leads us into the lounge for our welcome sparkling wine. The lounge was so amazing. It was decorated like an old study/library, with red leather sofas, surrounded by bookshelves filled with books that were published in the 1800's! We sat there and enjoyed our bubbly while we listened to tunes by old blue eyes (Frank Sinatra) playing in the background. Jamey pulled a book off the shelf to have a look, and it just so happened to be Shakespere! So it was pretty amazing to have my date for Valentines day sit beside me on the red leather sofa, read Shakespere poetry to me from a book published in the 1800's, while listening to Sinatra and sipping champagne. I was litterally living out a fantasy! We were later seated in a room that was lit only by candlelight. Our dinner was preordered so we didn't have to worry about choosing our menu for the evening. We just relaxed and enjoyed each other's company. The food was as amazing as the atmosphere. It was probably the best Valentine's Day yet! ~Jac

Thursday, March 9, 2006

Going back to England!

OH YEAH! I am so excited, Jamey and I are moving back to England! Copenhagen has been great, but I just really loved England. I believe I will be able to get a job there, and I am going to go back to school in the Fall. We will be busy the next few weeks packing and getting ready for the move. Moving is no fun, but it will be great once it's all said and done. The weather here in Copenhagen is nice today. Sunny and almost above freezing! ~Jac

Monday, March 6, 2006


Today's subject is bicycling because I felt like I needed to blog about that bit of Danish culture. Tonight, Jamey and I rode our bikes to the gym. It was funny because as we were returning home and putting our bikes away in the shed, Jamey asked me "If someone had asked you, when you were 23 years old, what you would be doing five years from then, would you have ever thought that it would be riding your bike home from the gym, in the snow, in Denmark?". So I stopped to think about it, and , no, I would have never guessed that. It is really amazing how things turn out. The bicycle thing is really awesome here. Neither Jamey, nor I have a car. We rely on the train/bus, our bikes, or good ol' pat and charlie to get us everywhere we need to go. It's really neat, because sometimes we will have a "date" where we ride our bikes about 5 minutes into town to have a hotdog and see a movie. It's sort of one of "our little things we do". So there's no more opening the car door for me. It's now more like him locking my bicycle wheel for me. Just as sweet, yet, different. Life in Denmark, gotta love it!

Sunday, March 5, 2006


I have to write a blog about the TV show LOST. For Christmas, Jamey bought me a video iPod. I treated myself to downloading the entire first season of LOST. It's great because Jamey and I have been watching it from the beginning, on the iPod. We watched the first episode, on a plane, on the way to Scotland. Pretty crazy isn't it? For those who don't know, the show is about a plane crash, so it was ironic that we watched the first episode on a plane. So, now we watch about 2 episodes a week, at home. The neat thing is, we continue to watch the show on the handheld video iPod. It's like our little "thing" that we do that's ours. We are into season 2 now, and it gets better and better every week. I think that we like it so much because of the way we are viewing it, on the iPod. What a great invention, and an awesome gift! ~Jac

Our trip to Sweden

Yesterday, Jamey and I got up early and took the train to Helsingor, Denmark to visit Hamlet's Castle. We were both pretty impressed. The decorations were immaculate and all the things found inside were very interesting. There was one section called the casemates, which was like a dungeon. The only light down there was oil lamps. It was pretty spooky. I believe that the casemates served as the storage area back when the castle was being used for living. After we saw the castle, we took the ferry over to Helsingborg, SWEDEN. Yep, that means I can add another country to my list of those I've visited. This makes 15 for me! We walked to the castle in Sweden, but did not go in as it was already closed for the day. We did take some pictures there. After walking around town for a bit, we stopped into a local coffee shop and had a mid afternoon treat. We walked around some more, then stopped into a pub to have a couple of pints. We then went on to find a place to have dinner. We ate on a boat restaurant. It was really neat and the food was great. For an appetizer, we had a trio sample platter of fish and snapps. This is a very popular dish for the Scandinavians. The snapps are what several of my friends/family would call the "Danish Moonshine". It is pretty potent, but it's actually quite good with the fish. For our main course, we had more seafood. It was all really good. The atmosphere was nice, and the company of Jamey was great as always! We left, and took the ferry/train back home. It's pretty cool to wake up in one country, travel to another, and then return to sleep in my own bed, all in the same day. The perks of living in Europe I guess! We had a great time, and Sweden was awesome.

Today we have had a relaxing day at home. It has snowed even more. It's very cold outside, but the sun did shine for the most part of the day. I watched American Idol this morning on TV. We are about 2 weeks behind the US. My favorite is Taylor (the grey headed guy). He makes me laugh, so he's my favorite. I'm off for now. Write more later ~Jac

Thursday, March 2, 2006

Happy Birthday Brooke!

Today is Brooke's, one of my best friends, birthday. Happy Birthday to ya if you are reading this. That's one of the really hard things about living in Europe, the fact that I miss out on special occasions of my friends and family from back home. But then I think about it, and even if I were in NC right now, would I see Brooke and celebrate her birthday with her today, a Thursday? Probably not. She would be in class, 3 hours away from me, and I would be busy working. So it seems like it sucks to be away, but it's really not as bad as it seems. It will just make the future birthdays that we celebrate together even more special!

The weather here today has been weird. When I woke up this morning, it was snowing. Now, the sun is shining bright. Hope it stays this way.

I had to go to the US Embassy today to have more pages added to my passport. Yep, I have so many stamps in there that I was running out of pages! Pretty impressive, isn't it?

Yesterday was the first day of Lent. Now, I'm not Catholic, or any of the denominations that practice Lent, but I've decided I'm going to give it a go. From yesterday until Easter Sunday, I have given up CHOCOLATE! I'll definately enjoy my Cadbury Easter Eggs this year, won't I? I'll try to keep you posted on how I'm doing along the way. For now, I think I'll go and have some nice grapes for a snack.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Happy Mardi Gras!

So today is Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday). I really wonder what it is like today, and what it has been like for the past couple of weeks in New Orleans. It must be so sad there, without all the street parties and celebrations that the people of New Orleans have become accustomed to. I'm sure they still "celebrated", but I just can't imagine that it even came close to being the same. Will it ever be the same again?

As I am sitting here, in Copenhagen, it is cloudy and dreary outside. It was snowing pretty hard earlier this morning, but it has slowed down to just a few flurries now. It's really cold, so I'm procrastinating on going out to the grocery store. I miss the sunshine, but it will be here again soon.

The winter has actually been pretty easy here. From the beginning of November until the end of December, it's "Christmas in Denmark". There are lights everywhere, festivals, Christmas Markets, Tivoli is open, and just "Hygge" (Danish word for coziness). January and February are tough though, because all the Christmas lights are gone, festivals, etc..., and we are left with very short, cold, dreary days.

So, the spring and summer months are certainly anticipated by the Danes, and even more so by the expats living in Denmark. Everyone might think of England as always being rainy and cloudy, but if I remember correctly, the sun shined more in England than in Denmark. We shall see what March has in store for us!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

My first blog entry

This is my first blog entry. Today marks the 1 year anniversary of my move to Europe. I lived in England for 6 months, and have been in Denmark since August. England was amazing. Jamey and I have traveled so much since we have been over here. We visited Paris, Venice, Amsterdam, Olde (Germany), several cities in England such as Reading (where we lived), London, York, Bath, just to name a few. We visited Zell and Vienna, both in Austria, Prague, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia. We just recently visited Oslo, Norway for some skiing to celebrate my birthday. We have visited several towns in Denmark (We live in Copenhagen, Jamey works in Hillerod). We visited Ireland, and Scotland also. In addition to Olde, I also visited Berlin, Germany. Jamey has also been to Poland, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. We still have lots of traveling ahead of us!

Today was such a beautiful day in Copenhagen. After so many rainy, cloudy, dreary days, it was really nice to see the sun. We had a pretty low key weekend. We spent a lot of time inside, actually, making plans for the future. Anyway, I won't write much for now. Just trying out the whole blog thing.